Monday, September 12, 2011

The Homer Multitext

For Homeric studies see now the Homeric Multitext, which provides a number of resources including diplomatic editions of manuscripts of the Iliad.

More from the home page:

The Homer Multitext seeks to present the textual transmission of the Homeric Iliad and Odyssey in a historical framework. Such a framework is needed to account for the full reality of a complex medium of oral performance that underwent many changes over a long period of time. These changes, as reflected in the many texts of Homer, need to be understood in their many different historical contexts. The Homer Multitext provides ways to view these contexts both synchronically and diachronically.

The Homer Multitext is a long-term project emphasizing collaborative research (we are particularly interested in undergraduate research), openly licensed data, and innovative uses of technology.The Homer Multitext welcomes collaboration in the form of diplomatic editions, images of historical documents, and translations. All material must be openly licensed and attribution will be given to the contributors.

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