Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Semitic Inscriptions Semitiques

The Semitic Inscriptions Semitiques database is now open access. From the website:

This website is a database of ancient texts written in Semitic languages and inscribed on various media: tablets, potteries, manuscripts, etc. It grants direct access to all kinds of information about these inscriptions: their origin, their age, their script... And of course, most importantly, the text itself, analyzed, translated, and annotated.

Without registration one can obtain basic information, including a low-resolution photograph of an inscription, its title, language, date, discovery site, and literary genre. The website is also searchable.

open access: Jewish Bible Quarterly

From the webpage:

The Jewish Bible Quarterly provides timely, authoritative studies on biblical themes. As the only Jewish-sponsored English-language journal devoted exclusively to the Bible, it is an essential source of information for anyone working in Bible studies. The Journal publishes original articles, translations from scholarly Hebrew journals, book reviews, a triennial calendar of Bible reading and correspondence. All viewpoints are considered.

Issues online: 1996-2010

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Open access to Elektra

Elektra is a journal for the study of Ancient Greek and Roman Mythology and Religion from a philological, historical, anthropological, archaeological, linguistic or philosophical viewpoint. Access it at:

Open Access Publications of the Center for Hellenic Studies

For open access to the publications of the Center for Hellenic Studies, go to:

Leicester Archaeology Theses

Theses from the University of Leicester are now available open access, but many are not from the ancient NE.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

'Atiqot - Publications of the Israel Antiquities Authority

After registration, the Israel Antiquities Authority's journal, `Atiqot, is freely available: