Saturday, April 20, 2019

Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft

Range of publication: 1847-2103
Die älteste und weltweit bekannteste Veröffentlichung der DMG ist ihre international zitierte Zeitschrift (ZDMG). Der 1. Band erschien 1847 als ein den gesamten deutschen Sprachraum umfassendes Organ der Orientalistik. Unterbrochen wurde das regelmäßige Erscheinen der Zeitschrift nur durch zeitbedingte Wechselfälle der deutschen Geschichte. Von Anfang an nutzten deutsche und ausländische Gelehrte die Zeitschrift, um Ergebnisse ihrer Forschungen darzulegen.

The Inscriptions of Israel/Palestine

The Inscriptions of Israel/Palestine

From the site:
The Inscriptions of Israel/Palestine project seeks to collect and make accessible over the Web all of the previously published inscriptions (and their English translations) of Israel/Palestine from the Persian period through the Islamic conquest (ca. 500 BCE - 640 CE). There are about 15,000 of these inscriptions, written primarily in Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek and Latin, by Jews, Christians, Greeks, and Romans. They range from imperial declarations on monumental architecture to notices of donations in synagogues to humble names scratched on ossuaries, and include everything in between.
As of March, 2016 there are approximately 2,500 inscriptions in the database, with more added regularly. All are encoded using the Epidoc guidelines. The inscriptions can be accessed via the "Search" Button on the left.
Inscriptions of Israel/Palestine is an ongoing project at Brown University. It has been generously supported by the Center of Digital Scholarship and the Goldhirsh-Yellin Foundation. We welcome your feedback.
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Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Index Theologicus: International Bibliography of Theology and Religious Studies

Index Theologicus: International Bibliography of Theology and Religious Studies

From the site:
The new IxTheo is a comprehensive bibliography for theology and religious studies. It is now possible to search not only for articles, but also for monographs, databases and relevant Internet links.
A selection of review journals is now also included. When the relevant licenses permit it, it is possible to access directly the complete text of the articles, reviews and books.

The new IxTheo remains a free and open access service to the worldwide scholarly community. The editors of the IxTheo are the Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen (library of the university of Tübingen) as well as the Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät Tübingen (the protestant faculty of theology of the university of Tübingen) and the Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät Tübingen (the catholic faculty of theology of the same university).

We wish you an enjoyable experience as you explore the new IxTheo and we would be glad to get your feedback!