Hurray! Another hitherto subscription-only journal is now open-access.
From the home page:
Hurray! Another hitherto subscription-only journal is now open-access.
From the home page:
TC: A Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism (ISSN 1089-7747) is a peer-reviewed electronic journal dedicated to study of the Jewish and Christian biblical texts. Details of the journal are provided on the About page while current and past issues are accessed through the Contents page.And a blurb from the "about" page:
TC publishes full-length scholarly articles, shorter notes, project reports, and reviews of works in the field of biblical textual criticism. Articles on any aspect of the textual criticism of the Jewish and Christian scriptures (including extracanonical and related literature) are welcome, and contributions that transcend the traditional boundary between Hebrew Bible and New Testament textual criticism are especially encouraged. We also invite articles discussing the relationship between textual criticism and other disciplines.