The site offers information on Digital Archaeology, images, primary texts, bibliographies, and other categories.
This blog provides links to open-access resources for the study of the Old and New Testaments as well as for the ANE, and, occasionally, for Classics. The source for the great majority of the posts is Chuck Jones's The Ancient World Online (
The site offers information on Digital Archaeology, images, primary texts, bibliographies, and other categories.
William Whitt has shared his new commentary on Deuteronomy. I'm checking with him to see if his 2019 commentary on Genesis is also open-access.
Tools to Study the Hebrew Bible
This site aims to teach students how to use a set of specialized tools for the study of the Hebrew text of the Hebrew Bible (henceforth, the Bible). These are different from the tools used for modern Hebrew because the languages are substantially different, and because the study of ancient texts, written in "dead" or "literary" languages, such as BH (biblical Hebrew), is fundamentally different from the study of modern languages. The types of tools presented here include:
Here are two videos from David Z. Moster:
1. "How to Use the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia: The Scholarly Apparatus"running time: 17:07
Excellent overview of the history of BHS ("Introduction"), the page layout ("Page"), and a few examples of variants of the MT, e.g., Sam Pent, LXX ("Case Studies"-- here, he leans too heavily on the lectio facilior in my opinion).
2. "How to Use the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia: The Masorah Notes"
running time: 20:42
Here again, a well-organized presentation divided, again into three sections:
In this video he also favors the lectio facilior, and speaks of "the" biblical text when there were several text families, e.g., Palestinian, Tiberian (hence the Masoretes preserved the text they received--but that's probably too much detail for an overview).
The two are a superb introduction to what can be baffling when one first opens BHS.
Stories of Minjung Theology: The Theological Journey of Ahn Byung-Mu in His Own Words Ahn Byung-Mu; Translated by In Hanna and Park Wongi , 2019 | Download | Paperback | Hardcover |
Landscapes of Korean and Korean American Biblical Interpretation Edited by John Ahn, 2019 | Download | Paperback | Hardcover |
A Filipino Resistance Reading of Joshua 1:1–9 By Lily Fetalsana-Apura, 2019 | Download | Paperback | Hardcover |
A Samoan Reading of Discipleship in Matthew By Vaitusi Nofoaiga, 2017 | Download | Paperback | Hardcover |
Reading Ruth in Asia edited by Jione Havea and Peter H. W. Lau, 2015 | Download | Paperback | Hardcover |
Migration and Diaspora: Exegetical Voices of Women in Northeast Asian Countries Hisako Kinukawa, 2014 | Download | Paperback | Hardcover |
Zer Rimonim: Studies in Biblical Literature and Jewish Exegesis Michael Avioz, 2013 | Download | Paperback | Hardcover |
Women at Work in the Deuteronomistic History Mercedes L. GarcĂa Bachmann, 2013 | Download | Paperback | Hardcover |
The Old Testament and Christian Spirituality: Theoretical and Practical Essays from a South African Perspective Christo Lombaard, 2012 | Download | Paperback | |
Reading Ezra 9–10 Tu’a-Wise: Rethinking Biblical Interpretation in Oceania Nasili Vaka’uta, 2011 | Download | Paperback | |
Global Hermeneutics? Reflections and Consequences Knut Holter and Louis Jonker, 2010 | Download | Paperback |