Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Videos for the apparatus and Masoretic notes in BHS

 Here are two videos from David Z. Moster:

1. "How to Use the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia: The Scholarly Apparatus"

running time: 17:07

Excellent overview of the history of BHS ("Introduction"), the page layout ("Page"), and a few examples of variants of the MT, e.g., Sam Pent, LXX ("Case Studies"-- here, he leans too heavily on the lectio facilior in my opinion).

2. "How to Use the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia: The Masorah Notes"

running time: 20:42

Here again, a well-organized presentation divided, again into three sections: 

  • "Textual Instability": scribal errors such as omissions, additions, and metathesis
  • "the Masoretes": the Masoretes' efforts to preserve their received text by the addition of a system of pointing for vowels and cantillation
  • "3 Types of Masoretic Notes in the BHS": the marginal notation systems of the Masorah Ketanah and Gedolah (along with explanations of Masoretic signals where the reading should be adjusted such as the system of Kethib/Qere), and the Masorah Sofit

In this video he also favors the lectio facilior, and speaks of "the" biblical text when there were several text families, e.g., Palestinian, Tiberian (hence the Masoretes preserved the text they received--but that's probably too much detail for an overview).

The two are a superb introduction to what can be baffling when one first opens BHS.

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