Thursday, August 13, 2020

More tools for studying the Hebrew Bible (this time from Marc Brettler)

 Tools to Study the Hebrew Bible 

 This site aims to teach students how to use a set of specialized tools for the study of the Hebrew text of the Hebrew Bible (henceforth, the Bible). These are different from the tools used for modern Hebrew because the languages are substantially different, and because the study of ancient texts, written in "dead" or "literary" languages, such as BH (biblical Hebrew), is fundamentally different from the study of modern languages.  The types of tools presented here include:

  1. Scholarly Editions of the Hebrew Bible
  2. Lexica
  3. Grammars
  4. Concordances: Electronic and Paper
  5. Other Research Tools
I have also included some helpful exercises designed to help students learn how to use the major scholarly tools, as well as some other tools that the beginning and intermediate student of biblical Hebrew may find useful; you can navigate among these by using the links below:

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